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The Mount Holly Community Garden (MHCG) is a vibrant raised bed haven planted in the heart of downtown Mount Holly, NC, located 15 miles west of Charlotte.  It is dedicated to and maintained by the community gardeners as a place to grow local, organic, seasonal food & flowers while fostering a healthy environment of activity, learning, charitable stewardship and fellowship. Our mission is to provide a safe, organic garden for MHCG members, including people with physical difficulties (adaptive gardening) and low income.  We also provide a free social and educational space for all citizens to enjoy. 

The garden officially opened on April 11, 2015.

     Fifty-two spacious raised beds exist among other surrounding flower beds, including a stunning butterfly garden which is currently recognized as a stop on The Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail. The raised beds are rented on a yearly basis for a $40 per year donation by individuals, families, and businesses. While the beauty of the garden & community events are free for all to enjoy, produce and flowers grown at the MHCG are for members only.  Yearly scholarships are made available for low income gardeners. The garden also has several adjustable adaptive beds for disabled gardeners to accommodate standing and/or wheelchairs. Several beds are designated for use by the Mount Holly Community Relief Organization Food Bank (CRO) and Mount Holly Meals on Wheels. Gardeners are required to donate at least 10% of their harvest to these two charitable community organizations. Last year, over 2017 pounds of produce was donated from the Garden!

     The Mount Holly Community Garden plays host to a variety of free educational and community wellness workshops on topics, such as, organic gardening techniques, children’s gardening, composting, food preservation, and yoga. We also host several healthy cooking demonstrations with food grown in the garden to inspire healthier eating in our community. The highlight of the year is the MHCG Annual Enchantment at the Garden. Gardeners decorate their winter beds as creatively as possible and the community can vote on which is best. The magical event includes music, hot refreshments, cookies, and a stop by Santa. This event is free to the public and has grown to bring in several hundred guests from all around the state. We pride ourselves in being a gathering place to bring people together.  In the fall of 2016, the MHCG gathered donations to revitalize the Ida Rankin Elementary School Gardening Program which continues on to this day. Each Friday, students are taught numerous organic gardening topics and planted in their garden bed area. Harvest Day allows the students to harvest and sample the fruits of their labor. This program was taught solely by volunteers from the MHCG. MHCG volunteers also work with local preschools, Girl & Boy Scout groups, Rotary Club, Gaston Co. Extension Master Gardeners and Mount Holly Fire & Police force on organic gardening education. Due to the positive impact on our community, the MHCG was the 2016 Recipient of the Mount Holly Community Foundation Community Service Award.

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